Solving container registry access issue in the Azure portal
This post will cover how to resolve an issue accessing a container registry in the Azure portal when one of the following messages appears:
This issue is related to a missing access permission in the container registry, and to resolve it, we will create a role assignment using the Azure CLI.
Creating the new role assignment
First, use the az ad user list
command to retrieve the id of the user who will be granted access to the container registry. Use the --display-name
parameter to filter the result.
USER_ID=$(az ad user list \
--display-name=$USER_DISPLAY_NAME \
--query="[0].id" \
--output tsv)
Next, use the az acr list
command to retrieve the id of the container with the missing access permission. Use the --query
parameter to filter the result by the container name.
--query "[?name=='$CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME'][].id" \
--output tsv)
Finally, use the command az role assignment create
to create a new role assignment. After that, the user will have access to the container registry. 🚀
ROLE="App Compliance Automation Administrator"
az role assignment create \
--assignee $USER_ID \
--role $ROLE
Refresh the page and the issue should be resolved. If it persists, try logging out and back in again.
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