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How to get a list of available vm sizes in an Azure location

With the Azure CLI, you can use the az vm list-sizes command to list all the virtual machine sizes in a specific location

az vm list-sizes \
  --location brazilsouth \
  --output table

And the output will be something like this

MaxDataDiskCount    MemoryInMB    Name                      NumberOfCores    OsDiskSizeInMB    ResourceDiskSizeInMB
------------------  ------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------------
12                  114688        Standard_NC6s_v3          6                1047552           344064
24                  229376        Standard_NC12s_v3         12               1047552           688128
32                  458752        Standard_NC24rs_v3        24               1047552           3018752
32                  458752        Standard_NC24s_v3         24               1047552           1376256
2                   2048          Standard_A1_v2            1                1047552           10240
4                   16384         Standard_A2m_v2           2                1047552           20480
4                   4096          Standard_A2_v2            2                1047552           20480
8                   32768         Standard_A4m_v2           4                1047552           40960
8                   8192          Standard_A4_v2            4                1047552           40960
16                  65536         Standard_A8m_v2           8                1047552           81920

For more details, click on the link below to access the official documentation

az vm